You worked hard to achieve your ideal body weight and turned to liposuction to help remove those areas of stubborn fat and give you the curves you really want. But here you are, post-liposuction, and you are seeing lumps and bumps where a contoured waistline should be.
Are these lumps after liposuction normal and will they go away? Is there a way to get rid of lumps after lipo? Are you destined to live with these lumps and bumps forever or will you get the body contours you were hoping for?
Lumps After Liposuction Are Normal and Common
The good news is that lumps and bumps after liposuction are normal and very common. When you have a liposuction procedure, your surgeon removes fat with a narrow cannula. This cannula creates tunnels underneath the skin which fills with fluid after the procedure. This fluid build-up contributes to swelling, as well as areas that may feel lumpy and bumpy. In addition, blood can also pool underneath the skin, causing small hematomas. These again can cause areas of lumps and bumps, but they won’t stick around forever.
Post-Lipo Aftercare Helps to Reduce the Lumps and Bumps
While chances are you won’t be able to eliminate the occurrence of lumps after lipo, knowing what to expect can make all the difference. After your lipo procedure, your surgeon will advise wearing a compression garment. You should wear your garment all day and night for the first two weeks and then at least during the day for the following two weeks, unless otherwise prescribed by your surgeon. This garment helps reduce the swelling by putting pressure on your treated area. This pressure helps your body absorb the excess fluid and helps to reduce the lumps and bumps.
While these lumps can last for more than a month, chances are you will see them disappear within a few weeks. If you still experience lumps, there are some other techniques, such as massage, that can help give you the smooth body contours you were hoping for. If you are experiencing lumps after liposuction, contact Dr. Drew Davis online or call the office at (916) 318-5770 to schedule an appointment.