More about Breast
Implant Screening
The FDA currently recommends an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 5 years after breast implant placement and every 2 to 3 years thereafter. While that may be the recommendation, there are many reasons why most women do not follow the FDA’s guidance. For starters, MRI scans are expensive and may not be covered by insurance. They are also inconvenient, requiring a visit to a specialty center. As an alternative, High Resolution Ultrasound (HRUS) is an easy, safe, and effective method to monitor your breast implants.
While many women are familiar with MRI technology for breast scanning, fewer know about High Resolution Ultrasound. A less costly and easier to administer technology, HRUS is expected by most plastic surgeons to become the primary way to perform routine breast implant screening. Dr. Davis is ahead of the curve in offering the technology, and has already been able to help many women get a better understanding of the status/integrity of their breast implants.
HRUS scans are performed right in our office. After the scan, Dr. Davis will provide an image of each breast implant for your review. You will have an opportunity to discuss any findings with Dr. Davis during your visit. If your scan reveals a potential problem with one or both of your implants, a secondary MRI scan or mammogram may be recommended. Dr. Davis has a wealth of experience performing both breast implant revision (updating your breast implants) and breast implant removal (if you no longer wish to have implants).
Why Choose
Dr. Davis
- Dr. Davis is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 10 years of experience. He specializes in aesthetic surgery of the face, breast, and body.
- His medical training and artistic eye blends art and medicine and science to create beautiful, natural-looking results.
- From the initial consultation to the last postoperative visit, Dr. Davis and his staff are committed to making every patient feel comfortable, cared for, and listened to.
Dr. Davis believes that every patient is unique. With his caring commitment to each patient, he is dedicated to helping you achieve beautiful, natural results.
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