Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, is a procedure that allows a surgeon to correct cosmetic concerns, as well as medical complications, of the nose. As one of the top cosmetic surgical procedures in the US, nose jobs are performed every day.
The reason behind wanting a nose job is very personal, and you should discuss your concerns and goals with your surgeon in order to achieve your desired results. While everyone’s reason may be different, these are three of the most common reasons people choose to get a nose job.
1. Self-Esteem and Aesthetics
Your nose is a prominent part of your face and, for many, a prominent or crooked nose can lead to self-esteem issues. Someone unhappy with the appearance of their nose may feel insecure, and this insecurity can affect their quality of life. In this case, the choice to have rhinoplasty is cosmetic.
While many choose to have a nose job for cosmetic reasons, rhinoplasty can also help those with nasal fractures and breathing issues.
A nose job can help to:
- Reduce the size of the nose
- Correct possible asymmetry
- Straighten the nose
- Reduce the size of nostrils
- Enhance the tip of the nose
These changes can help give you the look you desire and help to increase your self-esteem.
2. Repair Nasal Fractures or a Broken Nose
Nasal fractures are common when it comes to facial injuries. When these fractures heal improperly, a misaligned nose is a common result. In addition, these fractures can affect your nasal function. In this case, reconstructive rhinoplasty can correct damage from a nasal fracture and help restore the original look of your nose, as well as its function.
3. Correct Breathing Issues
Many people suffer from a deviated septum, or a narrowing of the nasal passage. When you have this, breathing can become a problem. Other possible conditions that can impair breathing can include turbinate dysfunction, collapsed nostrils and nasal polyps. Rhinoplasty can help repair these conditions and allow you to breathe comfortably.
If you are concerned about the appearance of your nose or have nasal issues, don’t try to correct these issues with an at-home nose job. They can be dangerous and don’t provide the results you desire. Contact Dr. Davis today for a rhinoplasty consultation and see how he can help you achieve your goals.