While breast augmentation is still one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed every year, many women instead turn to breast reduction surgery as a way to achieve their goals of smaller breasts, reduced back, shoulder and neck strain, or simply to help fit better into their favorite clothes.
But when is the optimal time to consider breast reduction? Can you have a breast reduction between babies or are you better to wait until after pregnancy?
Breast Reduction Surgery Before or Between Pregnancy
For many women, large breasts can contribute to poor posture and increased back, shoulder and neck pain. In addition, clothes shopping can be difficult. While many doctors will advise waiting until after you have had children, many women opt for breast reduction surgery before pregnancy or between pregnancies in order to reduce pain and find relief, as well as feel better about themselves.
Changes in the breasts during pregnancy can cause changes to your breasts, reversing the results of your breast reduction procedure.
However, keep in mind that pregnancy can affect the breasts and many patients that receive reductions before pregnancy ultimately need repeat reductions, breast revisions, breast lifts, or other procedures after they have children. In addition, a breast reduction can negatively affect your ability to breastfeed after pregnancy.
Waiting Until After Babies for a Breast Reduction
Waiting until after your family is complete allows for the best possible long-term results when it comes to your reduction mammaplasty surgery. You won’t have to worry about pregnancy changes to your breasts altering your desired results and you can maintain the bust size you desire for years to come.
To learn more about how breast reduction surgery can help you achieve your goals, contact us online or call the office at (916) 318-5770 to schedule a consultation.